UNAIR NEWS – The social change in society due to rapid technological developments has brought some new problems in the academic society. One of them is faced by staff in providing the best service for the academics.
“Your generation and current generation are very different. There aren’t many students who are polite today. Furthermore, patterns of speed and social media also influence how children now behave, “Dr. Eko Supeno, Drs., M.Si., in his remarks.
Universitas Airlangga through Community Service and Development Institute (LPPM) held an educational personnel development program entitled Excellent Service Training on Friday-Saturday, May 3-4, 2019. It was held at Zoom Hotel Dharmawangsa Surabaya, the training was intended for staff of State University of Malang (UM).
Head of UNAIR LPPM Dr. Eko Supeno, Drs., M.Si., said that optimal and efficient services are needed for every institution including company. The key to realizing this is the existence of good human resources.
“Especially in campus institutions, we (staff, ed) are required to be able to provide the best service in supporting academics and universities,” he said.
What needs to be considered, continued Dr. Eko, is how staffs are able to know their own personality. Next is how one can put himself in order to provide excellent service.
Based on a research in Japan, said Dr. Eko, blood type greatly influences the character of a person’s personality. The dominant tendency of action for each group is so different. That knowledge then provides a reference for how staff are able to behave and work together.
“Especially in providing the best service for consumers (academics, Red),” he said.
“Blood type A tends to be organized, consistent, have great teamwork skill, but always anxious. Then, type B often found relaxed, easy. Blood type O, humble, sociable, hate to lose, allergic with details. And, AB tends to be unique, or odd, “he said.
After the training, the participants who came from units, institutes, and faculties of Malang State University are expected to get a better understanding on the importance of excellent service, including being able to describe the things needed in providing excellent service.
Participants are also expected to improve their understanding on the importance of providing highly satisfying services to customers as well as to understand the soft skills and etiquette needed to give excellent service.
Together with a psychologist and management expert, the participants gained knowledge on Service Excellence Hard Skill and Service Excellence Soft Skills. The materials on them were presented by Dr. Tanti Handriana, SE., M.Si., and Dr. Dewi Retno Suminar, M.Si., Psychologist. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i