UNAIR NEWS – On May 2, 2019, Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi held a ceremony to commemorate National Education Day (Hardiknas). The 2019 National Education Day ceremony was presided by PSDKU UNAIR Coordinator in Banyuwangi, Prof. Dr. Suryanto, M.Si.
The National Education Day commemoration ceremony was begun at 07.00 WIB in front of PSDKU Banyuwangi campus. It was attended by all lecturers, staffs and students. It was held solemnly.
Prof. Suryanto read the remarks of Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Republic of Indonesia, Muhadjir Effendy. In his mandate, Muhadjir conveyed two things emphasized by the Ministry of Education and Culture in the context of human resource development.
“Character education and preparation of skilled and capable students in entering the professional world are two important things must be improved. This must be done professionally by all stakeholders in terms of education at the central and regional levels, “said Prof. Suryanto.
Minister of Education and Culture, said Prof. Suryanto, said that technological developments nowadays can affect the way of thinking, behavior, and character of students. Therefore, schools and education staff must be able to apply digital technology-based education with a touch of Indonesian culture.
“We currently face complex problems of labor, education personnel, and cases that do not reflect the progress of education. However, the government is responsive in preventing and overcoming these problems, it is in line with the educational paradigm. Therefore, through the center of education, such as family, school, and society must support and strengthen each other, “said Prof. Suryanto delivered the message of Minister of Education and Culture.
Closing the remarks, Muhadjir Effendy gave his highest appreciation and respect to all education and cultural community in Indonesia who have shown dreams, given inspiration, paved the way for the future role of Indonesian children, to be intelligent, character, strong, and useful for their surroundings.
“Hopefully this anniversary of National Education Day will be our moment to always remember that education is important and how we can be educated people who are able to contribute to the state and nation in the future,” concluded Prof. Suryanto. (*)
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan