UNAIR FIB Student Reads Poems in 2019 East Java Harmony

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UNAIR NEWS – Adnan Guntur, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Indonesian Language and Literature Student of Faculty of Humanities (FIB) had the opportunity to appear in 2019 East Java Harmony event on Thursday, April 25, 2019 and Friday April 26, 2019. In the event held at the East Java Cultural Park Hall, Surabaya, he read poetry on stage in presence of hundreds of invited guests.

The event organized by East Java Provincial Arts Council was a continuation of a government event related to coaching and funding for East Java artists. Some of the arts presented included literature, film, music, and dance.

Adnan said he was surprised when he was invited by East Java Provincial Arts Council to read a poem.  Adnan was also pleased as he was introduced as an East Java poet.  He was invited also by the previous government.

The poem that Adnan read was titled Menghitung Garis (Calculating Lines). The poem is the work of Adnan himself which tells about the meaning of identity search.

“This poem is about searching for identity. That humans are always afraid of death but it should not be feared, because death is part of our own lives, “Adnan said.

“If you can say, death is a form of celebration for humans themselves,” he added.

Jaleuleu Ja Jaleuleu Ja , we live

Jaleuleu Ja Jaleuleu Ja , there’s always an end

Jaleuleu Ja we live and there is always an end

and each of us will grow

and tail to a celebration

namely death

Those are the translated verses that Adnan like the most. In addition to his own poems, Adnan also performed a poem from Peri Sandi entitled Mata Luka Sengkon Karta .

Adnan admitted, he has a passion in the world of literature, especially theater. He was interested in poetry after going into college. He was doubted when he chose to study in the field of literature, but Adnan was able to make achievements and got recognition.

“Don’t be shy and get rid of people’s perceptions. In the past I was also undermined. ‘What, huh? What are you doing? Not clear. You have no future.’ But look at me now? I am invited and thank God I earn some money. So that’s how it is, just follow your heart, ” said Adnan.

As a part of young generation, Adnan hopes that the arts will continue to grow. According to him, art makes people sensitive to social conditions and so on.

“It is from art that people are aware, and that it can form our identity to be a better person and more humane,” he added. (*)

Author: Rini Ramadhanty

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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