Students Teach Dental Health and Handwashing in Masalembu

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UNAIR NEWS – With a Flip Cart, Prameswara Naori Rajmadani, a student from the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) taught Masalima Kindergarten students how to maintain dental health on Monday, April 14, 2019.

Oik told UNAIR NEWS the reason for providing dental health education because they consider children in Masalembu need it to maintain dental hygiene.

“Because it (dissemination, ed) is needed. So we selected kindergarten students. Why kindergarten? Yes, because the earlier they know how to maintain dental hygiene, the better, ” she said.

In her presentation in class, Oik explained how to maintain dental hygiene, consuming food containing high iron, reducing sweet food consumption and regularly brushing your teeth in the morning after meals and the night before going to bed.

“And, no less importantly, I also gave an example on how to brush teeth correctly, ” she said.


PRAMESWARA Naori Rajmadani mahasiswi asal Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi (FKG) sedang mengajari anak-anak TK Masalima menggosok gigi. (Foto: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi).
PRAMESWARA Naori Rajmadani, a student from Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG), teaches Masalima kindergarten students to brush their teeth. (Photo: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi).

Wash Hands through Singing

Wahyu Setyo Putro, a student from Faculty of Humanities (FIB) also had an opportunity to speak in front of the class. Wahyu invited 39 Masalima Kindergarten students to wash their hands while singing along. They were enthusiastic following Wahyu with a hand washing movement.

After learning how to maintain dental and hand hygiene, children were invited to get out of the classroom to practice it. The elementary school students and attending mothers witnessed the funny behavior of children brushing their teeth and washing their hands.

Wahyu was very pleased with the enthusiasm of the participants. He also hoped that children who have participated in health promotion can remember and practice what has been taught to them. (*)


Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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