UNAIR NEWS – In Indonesia, there are 300 patients each year diagnosed with brain tumors. Not only adults, brain tumors also often occur in children, relatively young age.
After undergoing a series of treatments, brain tumor patients did not just go home without the observation of doctors or nurses. If a patient allowed to go home then there must be one nurse who monitors the progress of the patient until the patient fully recovered. Being a home care nurse must be professional.
Therefore, PERSPEBSI East Java cooperates with Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) Hospital (RS) Dr. Soetomo and PPNI East Java held Surabaya Brain Tumor Update 2019 “Nursing Care for Emergency in Brain Tumors” on Saturday, April 27 at 7th Floor of Diagnostic Center Building, Dr. Soetomo.
Veronika Anitasari, S.Kep, Ns., as the speaker said homecare nurse for brain tumor patients have an important role in home: advocate, care giver, case manager, and educator.
For Veronika, advocate are exploring and supporting nurses’ choices, discussion of patient rights, follow-up care, and consultation with other professionals. While for explore, patients can be determined to be treated with financial suitability.
“Homecare nurse is not cheap, exploring is needed so that the patient’s family can adjust to the budget,” she said.
For care giver, helping ADL (activities that are usually carried out during normal days) and assessing patient needs and analyzing health problems. As for the case manager, Veronika explained that nurses must coordinate with all members of health team in patient’s treatment plan. As the person in charge, the nurse receives a report of patient condition.
As an educator, nurses must be able to provide knowledge to patients and families about healthcare, prevention of problems to improve patient conditions. For veronika, not all families can understand patient’s condition during homecare process. Therefore, education is needed for patient’s family.
Author: Asthesia Dhea C.
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i