Audit Committee of Eleven State Universities Hold Communication Forum in UNAIR

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Audit Committee Communication Forum held in UNAIR.
Audit Committee Communication Forum held in UNAIR. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – The Audit Committee of 11 Legal Entity State Universities (PTN BH) held a Communication Forum. It was held in Kahuripan Room 301, Campus C, Universitas Airlangga, April 25, 2019 and attended by dozens of Audit Committee representatives from 11 PTN BH.

The activity was opened directly by UNAIR Vice Rector I Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Ph.D., Sp. PD., K-GH., FINASIM. It was also attended by Secretary of UNAIR Academic Senate Iman Prihandono, SH., MH., LL.M., Ph.D. , Head of UNAIR Audit Committee Drs. R. Hartono, and Head of PTN BH Audit Committee Communication Forum Drs. Tarmizi Achmad MBA., Ph.D.

In his opening remarks Prof. Djoko said that in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, higher education institutions should be the pillars and driving force of a nation’s progress. For this reason, he said, the performance of universities must be effective and efficient.

“Effectiveness and efficiency must cover many things. In using the budget, for example, it must be used to provide the best, “he explained.

The meeting, continued Prof. Djoko must be able to produce a lot of formulas to support various units related to the development of education in PTN BH. Moreover, the 11 PTN BH are the best universities in Indonesia.

“This committee meeting is, of course, expected to be able to support the development and improvement in each university in the future,” said Prof. Djoko.

Meanwhile, Head of PTN BH Audit Committee Communication Forum Drs. Tarmizi Achmad MBA., Ph.D., in his speech said that the discussion reviewed by representatives of 11 PTN BH in UNAIR, will be finalized in a joint meeting which will be held at the University of North Sumatra.

“Of course, the presence of this audit committee is so that we can all communicate with each other to solve different problems with the different scope of each university,” he said. “And we will continue the results of this meeting with another meeting at USU,” he added.

After the opening, the forum reviewed many things about the various policy direction, finance, and various regulatory mechanisms of each PTN BH. The results of the meeting will be reformulated carefully at USU. Regarding the time for the next meeting, the forum will wait for a decision from the host, USU Medan.

Author: Nuri Hermawan


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