UNAIR NEWS – Banyuwangi is a district with a lot of potential natural resources. Moreover, Banyuwangi Regency has four potential fields which currently being developed by local government. Among them are livestock, agriculture, tourism, and fisheries.
Banyuwangi is a place for PSDKU community of Universitas Airlangga to develop its potential. One of them is community service activities included in Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In addition, the activity is work program of Swine and Ruminant Care Division (SRC) UNAIR PSDKU Banyuwangi Veterinary Student Association (HMKH) went straight to the community.
Furthermore, participants carried out animal health checks and therapies directly accompanied by supervisor and veterinarians. Regarding the activity, Haryono as a local resident who works as a farmer welcomed the community service organized by FKH PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.
“We are very grateful for this community service, one of the direct impacts that my livestock can be examined for free,” he said. “Before, I rarely checked the health of my livestock.” he added.
In addition, everyone got vitamins, medicines and some information for their livestock. Furthermore, the community service activities also conducted counseling session. There were several topics discussed namely, cages and feed management, reproductive diseases and treatment, feed technology and processed livestock waste and processed livestock products.
“We gained new knowledge after students presentation. We became more aware on managing livestock properly.” said Haryono
After all the events have been carried out well, the closing ceremony was held on Sunday, April 21. From the data gathered by 2019 FKH PSDKU community committee, the number of animals examined and given therapy during the event in Sumber Asri Village were 278 cows, 303 goats and 456 sheep.
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor: Nuri Hermawan