UNAIR NEWS – One more interesting activity from ” Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi” AUBMO PSDKU is an education on the importance of parents’ role. The activity was started from a concern on complex problems in Kunir hamlet, Singojuruh Village, especially in the matter of education.
The remote hamlet has a primary school, SDN 05 Singojuruh located in RT 06 and 07. It has 24 students from first grade to sixth grade. It inspired Bidikmisi students of PSDKU Banyuwangi to continue buiding up the spirit of children’s education there.
But there is something more worrying, the limited number of students continuing education to the next level. After graduating from elementary school many of the children followed the footsteps of parents to work to fulfill their life needs.
In this regard, the team “Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi” held an education dissemination on “The Importance of Education and Role of Parents for Their Children”. The activity presented Surya Martha Kusuma (John Tata), as one of the influential figures from the Banyuwangi Literacy House. John Tata explained about the role of the school and its importance.
“School is a place to gather individuals to learn the same lessons, so they want to be smart. Schools are important for the future, to gain knowledge, reach goals, and not being fooled,” he explained.
John Tata also explained about the intelligence of each child through storytelling on fairy tale about tigers, monkeys, deer, fish, and ants. In the story, each animal was illustrated able to win every competition with each of their skill.
“So, smart is about being able. If it means it is clever, but if you can’t it doesn’t mean stupid. Because every child is born special, they have their own uniqueness and expertise, “he said.
As a parent, he continued, it is only fitting to support children by giving them motivation in the form of appreciation for whatever they do and not always judge when it does not match with the parents’ expectation.
“Whatever things parents do will be followed by their children. If they want their children to be good, then the parents must also be good,” he concluded. (*)
Author: Athiya Adibatul Wasi
Editor: Nuri Hermawan