“Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi”, a Memorable Community Service

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The excitement of Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmidi AUBMO PSDKU Banyuwangi. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – As one of work programs of Bidikmisi Organization Universitas Airlangga (AUBMO) PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, “Abdi Isun Lare Bidikmisi” became a place for Bidikmisi students to serve community service. Regarding the activity initiated by Ministry of Community Service, Nadiatul Husna as Head of the activity conveyed the purpose which took place in Kunir Hamlet, Singojuruh Village. According to her, the activity was not only a place for community service.

“This is also a form of responsibility because it has been funded by public, so we must return to them back,” she said.

This year, AUBMO PSDKU held the event again on April 19 -21. AUBMO PSDKU also provided opportunities for UNAIR Banyuwangi and Surabaya bidikmisi students to participate as volunteers.

“Volunteer was chosen through a selection to know their commitment, motivation and  contribution during the activity,” she explained.

Community Service with a tagline  “Nyambang Deso, Kanggo Mbangun Negoro”, has several focuses that are slightly different from the previous year. The series of activities were solid and all of children in SDN Singojuruh 05 were excited.

The student, familiarly called Nadia, explained that the activity, which lasted for three full days, had a series of activities including Istigosah program, work out activity, teaching environmental care and English.

“Moreover, there were Health Education on CTPS (Hand Washing with Soap) and Toothbrush, Literacy with Semenjana Baca, Watching Film together titled “Jembatan Pensil”, Education, BPJS, Health  socialization and PTM Health Check-Up,” he added.

Furthermore, explained Nadia, there was traditional competition to strengthen the bound. The competition included cracker eating competitions for father and son, eye-closing competitions for mothers and children, flour sleigh competitions, sarong races and singing competitions. The activity was closed with entertainment by Mira D’Academy and several childrens talents.

“Hopefully, this activity can provide output on behavioral changes related to health, and education, thus children will be motivated to learn.” he concluded. (*)

Author: Athiya Adibatul Wasi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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