R.A. Kartini: I’m Not an Extreme Feminist

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(Illustration by Jakarta.tribunnews.com)

UNAIR NEWS – Raden Ajeng Kartini Djojo Adhiningrat or R.A. Kartini is often referred as the symbolic of liberal feminism in Indonesia. Kartini has always been glorified as a female warrior who dares to fight gender inequality. Where the rights of men in Indonesia during Dutch colonial period were prioritized at that time.

Kartini’s figure is depicted as a fearless tough woman expressing injustice. Kartini’s name widely known through the letters that she wrote to her friends. The letter indicated Kartini’s deep grief on women’s rights which had never been fulfilled. Women always experience oppression both physically and emotionally.

The book of Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang is a collection of letters that Kartini wrote earlier. It was known from Jejislam.net column by Tiar Anwar Bachtiar entitled “Kartini dan Pintu Masuk Feminisme di Indonesia“, which mention Minister of Religion, Teaching and Handicraft of Dutch named Mr. J.H. Abendanon, a mastermind behind the success of the book.

He contributed in compiling all Kartini’s letters and publishing the book 7 years after Kartini’s death. Since then feminism has become inherent in Kartini’s soul. It was known that the thought of feminism characterized by liberals was obtained by Kartini due to the influence from Dutch friends in her school. Kartini read so many liberalism books, which further strengthens her belief that Indonesia was experiencing a gap in gender inequality.

Knowing the perceptions of society nowadays, people don’t  realize Kartini did not really adhere to feminism. Kartini-style feminism is actually only mere form of concern. She never intended to become an feminism activist to the public.

It was also told, even though Kartini was literate about gender equality. In the end, she was forced to marry the regent of Rembang and became his fourth wife. Kartini also had an offspring from the results of her marriage with Raden Adipati Joyodiningrat.

Kartini explained in a letter she wrote to her friend that she did not feel oppressed at all. She accepted her life as the fourth wife of Rembang regent. Here is Kartini quote from her letter:

“My Dearest, best friends: You do not know with what affection this, my first letter from my new home, is written. A home where, praise God, there is peace and love everywhere, and we are all happy with and through one another.” (Kartini Letters, p. 348).

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


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