UNAIR NEWS – Learning about self-personality is important for everyone. The Recruitment and Student Resource Development (KPSDM) Midwifery Student Association (HIMAWARY) held a Student Basic Level Leadership Training (LAKTASI) in Gramik Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (FK UNAIR) on Sunday, April 21, 2019.
Zain Budi Syulthoni as a student of Psychiatric Specialist Education Program (PPDS) and the speaker revealed that learning more about ourselves is not enough so adaptation and personality development is needed. He also quoted from RA Kartini’s letter to Mrs. Abendanan which says ‘Anyone who can help themselves will be able to help others more perfectly’.
“Before thinking of other people around, we should be able to solve problems within ourselves. Every person must have a phase to help other people, especially health workers when they go into the community, “he said.
One of the methods in getting to know yourself is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). The test proves that all personalities are normal.
“We can adapt, utilize it (personality-ed) in our daily activities, complete our tasks. We talk about how we understand our personality and then it can be developed to help ourselves to understand individuals, “he added.
In the test, there are 4 basic human tendencies such as how to obtain energy (extrovert and introvert), how to understand information (sensing and intuitive), the process of taking a decision (thinking and feeling), and lifestyle (judging and perceiving). Of these 4 basic characteristics, there will be 16 personality types that humans tend to have.
So, to develop that personality human beings have 3 basic potentials to be improved, intellectual, physical and spiritual. With routine training for the potentials, problem solving, leadership, communication, stamina, concentration, humility, positive thinking and self-esteem can be improved. The way to train them is by reading, discussions, organizations, exercising, maintaining health, worships, being devoted and grateful.
Head of the committee, Sherina Pradita Eka W. said that Himawary members are expected to be more competent and have leadership skills after participating in the event. As young generation of midwife, Himawary members must be able to continue the struggle of R.A. Kartini.
“Hopefully this event can be one of the activities that support women’s emancipation,” she said. (*)
Author: Mu’ammarin Rosikhuna Ilma
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia