UNAIR NEWS – After successfully made several achievements at the beginning of 2019, Muhammad Vendrika Annahldi determined to increase the achievements of martial arts fields. The student of D3 Marketing Management, Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV) batch 2017 prepared to represent UNAIR in National martial arts competition. Precisely held by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha in Bali.
On the interview with UNAIR NEWS team on March 9, Vendrika explained he and eight other athletes participated in pencak silat competition at Bali on April 24. The athletes participated in Pencak Silat Student Activity Units (UKM) selection in UNAIR. Starting from Pencak Silat Setia Hati Terate (PSHT), Tapak Suci, Pagar Nusa (PN), Perisai Diri, and Merpati Putih.
“There are nine athletes and one manager dispatched. Athletes were selected through a selection of five pencak silat UKM in UNAIR, “said Surabaya-born student.
Vendrika’s participation in competition added her experience and achievements in martial arts field. Furthermore, there were few brilliant achievements from UNAIR student.
Among other things, Vendrika won second place in match class for adult male, Javanese Bali at State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim; second winner of Java championship at Surabaya State Islamic University; the third place winner of East Java competition at Universitas Dr. Soetomo Surabaya; and second place winner in 2018 Singapore Open Pencak Silat Competition.
In fact, there was international achivement. Vendrika recently won second place in men’s adult A class in national competition of elementary, junior high, and university students at Asian and European level.
Vendrika admitted he had no trouble in dividing his time between lectures and training. The student who has been active in pencak silat since 2013 hopes to participate in national Pencak Silat selection.
“My target is participating national selection in martial art fields” he said.
Nine students who were contingents of the competition: Muhammad Vendrika Annahldi, Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV); Fuad Agus Salim, Faculty of Science and Technology (FST); Gusti Abdus Salam Faculty of Vocational Studies (FV); Ardhiyeni Hesti Oktavia, Faculty of Nursing (FKp); Fajar Nur Rohim, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Affairs (FPK). Including Celine, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Nailatul Muizah, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH); Abi Prayodi, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP); Eny Mayangsari, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP). (*)
Author: Erika Eight Novanty
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i