UNAIR NEWS – The central management of Universitas Airlangga Alumni Association (IKA UA) inaugurated another IKA UA management in a region. This time, the central UA IKA conducted the IKA UA Management Inauguration of West Java Region for the period 2019-2024.
Being held at Vio Paster Bandung Hotel, the event took place on Saturday, April 13, 2019 was attended by officials of IKA UA, such as Koko Srimulyo as Chairperson V, Pribadi Arqam, Amang Rofi’i as Chief of Alumni Organizational Development, and Bambang Hendro.
While from UNAIR, there were Dr. Muhammad Madyan, SE, M.Si., M.Fin., as UNAIR Vice Rector II and Lastiko Endi, M. Hum., from the UNAIR Center for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (PPKK), while the attending alumni reach 30 people.
On that occasion, the elected Chairperson of IKA West Java drh. Andri Utoro after being sworn in by Koko Srimulyo, expressed many impressions, such as supporting the implementation of UNAIR motto, Excellence with Morality.
“By holding this motto, of course we hope that all alumni will never be summoned by KPK,” he explained.
Furthermore, regarding the urgency of IKA UA Region of West Java, he hoped that the IKA UA Region of West Java can be a forum of communication with mutual understanding and respects.
“Do not post racial, pornographic, political topics. And certainly in the future this organization can bring a positive impact for the people of West Java, “he added.
Meanwhile, on the same occasion Koko Srimulyo, as well as Chairperson V, stressed that IKA UA could be a place to serve the community and should not be a burden to the community.
“IKA UA must be in all regencies, so the potential of IKA UA can be more vibrant in Indonesia,” he explained.
In response to Koko’s statement, UNAIR Vice Rector II Dr. Madyan said that UNAIR’s steps to be among Top 500 world universities are not easy. Because, there are 26,000 universities listed on QS Ranking competing to be the best. In that case, Dr. Madyan hoped that alumni can contribute and support the cause.
“Alumni can play a role in WCU ranking through employer reputation index,” he said.
Author: Nuri Hermawan