Dr. Hastarini Named Best Graduate after Studying Waste

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UNAIR NEWS – Boredom sometimes arise and become a challenge when studying. But the boredom can be used as motivation to immediately complete the study as soon as possible. Just like what was done by Dr. Hastarini Dwi Atmanti, SE, M. Si.

In addition to completing studies faster, Dr. Hastarini also managed to become the best doctoral graduate of Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga. The woman born in Semarang, August 21, 1975 managed to finish her studies with a 3.93 GPA.

Regarding her dissertation, Dr. Hastarini raised the title of Waste Generation Study and Strategy for Sustainable Waste Management in Central Java Province. In her dissertation, the topics discussed were about the generation of solid waste which increased in volume along with the increase in population.

Therefore, controlling waste can be done by efforts reducing population density through Family Planning (KB) programs. Efforts to reduce waste generation, she continued, can be done by separating waste between organic waste and inorganic waste, increasing awareness to manage waste from garbage sources, and improving waste services in all regions.

“If life is clean, it will improve health so that people’s productivity improves. Productivity improvement will ultimately lead to people’s welfare improvement, ” she added.

Besides her studies, Dr. Hastarini also often attended seminars and workshops to update insights for the teaching and learning process. She currently teaches in Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University.

“I have plan in the future to write books and other scientific works to enrich the scientific references,” she added.

Dr. Hastarini gave a tip to doctoral students to be more diligent in reading, having discussions with friends and lecturers, and asking for guidance from Allah SWT, as well as getting support from the family. (*)

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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