Tips from PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi PKM-PE Team

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PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi PKM-PE TEAM, from the left Estiary Wilujeng, Mega Wulandari Harsono Putri, and Nadia Marva Triana.
PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi PKM-PE TEAM, from the left Estiary Wilujeng, Mega Wulandari Harsono Putri, and Nadia Marva Triana. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemristekdikti) organizes prestigious student-level competition, PKM (Student Creativity Program). This program is followed by all students from various universities in Indonesia.

This year, from 37 funded proposals of Universitas Airlangga, 3 of them are PKM proposals from Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) Banyuwangi. The proposals are from PKM-M (Community Service Category), PKM-K (Entrepreneurship Category) , and PKM-PE (Research Category).

Nadia Marva Triana as a PKM-PE team leader shared some tips for being successfully funded. In addition to renewable innovation of the proposal, good teamwork is the key.

“Tips to get funded from us are write about renewable study, do not have to create, improvement from previous research can be done. In addition, the team work is the most important, as PKM is individual project, “said the sixth semester student at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FKH).

To find new innovation, she encouraged more research journals reading. Research journals read should not only nationally indexed research journals but also internationally indexed research journals.

Besides Nadia, there are also Estiary Wilujeng (FKH 2016) and Mega Wulandari Harsono Putri (FKH 2017) in her team. The PKM proposal submitted was entitled, “Study in Vivo Sari Glycine Max (L) as an Alternative Treatment for Mamae Gland Cancer”.

She also said that their success was inseparable from the role of their supervisor. The PKM-PE team is guided by Banyuwangi FKH PSDKU lecturers, Faisal Fikri, drh., M.Vet.

After being announced on March 23, 2019, Nadia and her team began to make preparation for their research. Because the materials they used are not ready stock, the materials needed must be ordered first.

“We hope the research carried out will run smoothly and most importantly our PKM-PE can qualify to the 32nd PIMNAS,” said Nadia. (*)

Author: Dian Putri Apriliani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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