UNAIR NEWS – In the end of March, Community Delegation of Interest and Talent (Komikat) of Tapak Suci Study Program Outside Main Campus (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Banyuwangi won outstanding competition. This achievement was achieved in Tapak Suci 3rd National Championship between Universities 2019.
The event hosted from March 26-30 2019. Located at GOR Universitas Sebelas Maret GOR (UNS), an annual Tapak Suci Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Universitas Sebelas Maret.
In the event, Komikat Tapak Suci PSDKU won a gold medal in women’s free class match category. This achievement won by Mardiana Sang Jaya Putri or familiarly called putri.
To UNAIR NEWS, the student from Payakumbuh, West Sumatra explained the Third Tapak Suci National Championship in 2019 was a massive event and there were many category in the competition. According to her, everyone who compete have the same opportunity to win the title, depending on their determination, effort and prayer.
“In every match, I always set my mind that it’s the final match.” said Putri.
Before winning the championship, Putri said that she competed against the representative from Universitas Sebelas Maret during the final match. Before the final, she was a little nervous but she tried give her best.
Putri said she was grateful for her parents support, coaches and the university that provided facilities to develop themselves and their potential.
“As a woman, there’s nothing wrong with being a martial arts warrior. Being a winner and make my parents, faculty and universities are my big dream, “concluded putri. (*)
Author: Muhammad Suryadiningrat
Editor: Nuri Hermawan