FH UNAIR Student Motivates Middle School Students in Malaysia

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Alma Putri Dhiafira FH UNAIR as speaker at the Interact Leadership Training Seminar (ILTS) and MACHA Malaysian Charity Trip, organized by Rotary Club Indra Mahkota, March 15-17, 2019 in Pahang, Malaysia.
Alma Putri Dhiafira FH UNAIR as speaker at the Interact Leadership Training Seminar (ILTS) and MACHA Malaysian Charity Trip, organized by Rotary Club Indra Mahkota, March 15-17, 2019 in Pahang, Malaysia. (Personal Documentation.)

UNAIR NEWSUniversitas Airlangga Student Activity Unit (UKM) made another achievement for the alma mater through Reasoning club. This time UKM Reasoning became a forum for Alma Putri Dhiafira, UNAIR Faculty of Law (FH) student to be speaker at the Interact Leadership Training Seminar (ILTS) and MACHA Malaysian Charity Trip, organized by Rotary Club Indra Mahkota , March 15-17, 2019 in Pahang, Malaysia.

The student who is familiarly called Dhea was one of the speakers at the event. Her vast experience in writing and organization as well as being a Rotary Literacy Ambassador for 2017 was one of the reasons for Rotary Club Indra Mahkota appointed Dhea as a speaker at ILTS.

In this activity Dhea provided material to students from Middle School (SMP) to Senior High School (SMA) who joined with international Rotary organizations.

In addition to providing material, Dhea also encouraged them that dreams are not just an ideal, but how one can realize his passion is also a dream. On the same occasion, FH international program student also participated in social activities with children with disabilities.

“During the event I participated in decorating room, baking bread and sewing bags with friends with disabilities. I encouraged the participants who took part in the activity that a dream was not only about aspiration such as becoming a doctor, pharmacist, etc. In essence, do not only have aspirations in the form of work, but also in the form of passion that can benefit people around us, “Dhea said.

In the end of the interview, Dhea also shared tips so academic and non-academic activities could run well together.

“The point is we must stay focused and manage our time, what we do today and what should I do tomorrow,” she added.

In addition to participating in activities abroad, Dhea also often shares her experience through writing. She had published a book called My Story as an Exchange Student who is in the second printed edition.

“So far, I have published one book and it is in the second printed edition and Alhamdulillah, the book has passed the procurement of state books 2019,” Dhea said. (*)

Author: Faisal Dika Utama

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh


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