EDSA Ecourages Members to be More Active through MOMENTS

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UNAIR NEWS – Student Association (HIMA) Executive Board (BPH) of English Language and Literature Department or also known as EDSA Faculty of Humanities (FIB), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held an annual event at the beginning of their stewardship on March 23-24, 2019 at Villa Foresta Resort Pasuruan. The activity is “2019 English Language and Literature Department (EDSA) Upgrading Members” or called MOMENTS (Mesmerize Our Mind Every Now and Then).

The activity was held for two days. There are three main focuses of concern, the first is problem solving. The activity aims to establish cohesiveness and enthusiasm from EDSA members to be more active in running EDSA for one year. The results are expected to improve quality of Executive Board (BPH) in completing case studies efficiently and effectively.

Second, loyalty to organization. Loyalty is needed to strengthen BPH EDSA’s foundation as a family by always bringing loyalty values ​​among members to make organization a safe and comfortable place.

Third is communication. It is no less important than problem solving and loyalty. Communication is also very important to achieve a solid organization. In order to achieve these three objectives, the committee invited alumni as speakers in the event.

“The team and I themed it MOMENTS (Mesmerize Our Mind Every Now and Then) in hope that BPH members can be more active after getting an unforgettable impression about sharing experience with other members in this two-day event,” said Fernando Ramadhan as chief executive of 2019 EDSA Upgrading “. (*)


Author: Ransis Putra Gaut

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia


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