UNAIR NEWS – Three innovations from Universitas Airlangga staffs will soon be applied to simplify services. The statement was given directly by UNAIR Director of Human Resources (HR), Dr. Purnawan Basundoro, S.S., M. Hum., in his office, on Monday, April 1, 2019.
The three innovations are Information System for Electricity Monitoring (SiPETIR) made by Infrastructure and Environment (SPL) staffs, Staff Outbound App created by staffs from Directorate of Finance and Planning and Development Board (BPP), and Airlangga Integrated Cash Management System (AICMS) made by staffs from Directorate of Finance.
Regarding the function of each innovation, Purnawan said that they will be applied to facilitate, accelerate, and made work services effective in UNAIR environment. The first innovation is SiPETIR, “It can control the use of electricity for each building. So, the budget for electricity can be managed, for example, “explained Purnawan.
Second innovation, Staff Outbound Apps. If all this time, all forms of official travel permits are reported on paper, then in the future, the application will simplify this. Through this application, academicians and lecturers who will conduct official trips abroad will be controlled and measured.
“With this permission, for example, if there is staff outbound program, this system will control it. When they are home, we just need to collect from this system, “said Purnawan.
Third innovation is AICMS. With this system, said Purnawan, the process of budget submission to Directorate of Finance will be faster. “Maybe in a matter of hours the fund can be available,” Purnawan added.
Regarding when the three apps, Purnawan said, the next 1-2 months will be implemented. Two applications that are ready are Outbound Apps and AICMS Staff.
Through the application of these innovations, Purnawan hoped that UNAIR staffs will be more active and innovative. They are expected to work on not only technical and static kind of tasks. But there are ideas come from the staffs to support the progress of the university.
“Secondly, the staffs should not feel inferior to the lecturer. It means, both staffs and lecturers have useful contributions to UNAIR’s progress, “said Punawan. (*)
Author: Binti Q. Masruroh