With “Blue Fire” Spirit, PSDKU Archery Ready to Make Achievements

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Archery Interest and Talent Community (KOMIKAT) PSDKU Banyuwangi during exercise.
Archery Interest and Talent Community (KOMIKAT) PSDKU Banyuwangi during exercise. (Photo: By courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) of Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi, has a place to develop student interest and talent called Community of Interest and Talent (Komikat). One of the Komikats with great interest is in the field of Archery. The club, commonly called “Blue Fire Archery Club” , was established in 2017.

To UNAIR NEWS, Amalia Safira Perdana Qohar as Head of the club for 2018/2019 period shared the story of the komikat establishment. She stated that the great interest in PSDKU was the main reason for the establishment of the club.

“The Blue Fire Archery Club was established because there was a proposal from Reynaldi Bimantara. In 2016, Reynaldi began working on the establishment of Archery komikat in PSDKU UNAIR, although the level of interest was so high, but there were still various kinds of obstacles that could not be resolved at the time, ” she explained.

Blue Fire Archery Club, the name, according to her was inspired by the Ijen crater as the main tourist attraction in Banyuwangi. So that the name will be easier to remember, because it has its own philosophy.

For almost two years, there have been difficulties faced by the club, from HR problems to tools that are far from adequate to use.

“Limited facilities and insufficient funds do not become obstacles to continue this komikat. The founder’s strong will and intentions brought commitment to progress as a good start, ” she said.

The komikat which currently has 42 members is committed to hold exercise activities every two weeks and invited renowned trainers from Banyuwangi. The routine activities carried out aim to improve human resource skills.

In the end, she also explained that as a new club, Archery had a target to improve its existence by holding competitions between faculties at PSDKU UNAIR. Hopefully if the program runs well, it will bring better achievements of regional and national levels.

“Hopefully in the future, Archery club can continue to exist and follow in the footsteps of Archery UKM in Surabaya UNAIR. Then, the management and members are committed to develop the club, ” she concluded. (*)

Author: Athiya Adibatul W

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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