UNAIR NEWS – PSDKU Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in Banyuwangi has several martial arts interest and talent communities, such as Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT). Founded in the same year as the birth of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, PSHT members are from 2016-2018 students. There were also members from elementary school to senior high school in the Banyuwangi area.
In addition to facilitating students’ interests and talents, PSHT Komikat also aims to educate students to protect themselves through martial arts. To UNAIR NEWS, March 26, Cici Farista as Head explained where PSHT is directed for the future. According to her, PSHT prioritizes brotherhood and kinship in its activities. This is indicated by a joint meeting with other PSHT members outside routine trainings.
“To strengthen the sense of brotherhood and kinship, we often visit other PSHT members. More to sharing constraints faced. So that it can be solved together, ” she explained.
In addition, she continued, friendly matches are often scheduled. Besides as branding events with other PSHT, friendly matches are held for the “symbol” of brotherhood. For this reason, every Tuesday and Thursday, PSHT conducts routine exercises to prepare themselves for the championship.
So far, PSHT Komikat of PSDKU UNAIR has sent many delegates to attend championship organized by various PSHT associations. In 2016, contingents of PSDKU UNAIR competed at Jember University (UNEJ) Cup and won the second place in men’s Arts single.
“In this year’s management, PSHT PSDKU UNAIR has special tips to show its existence again in PSHT championship match. By improving the quality of coaches and the effectiveness of routine exercises and friendly matches that are held, ” she explained.
She also said that the current PSHT has been facilitated with facilities and infrastructure for routine training and sparring, such as in-door training rooms equipped with mattresses.
“So, hopefully in 2019, UNAIR PSHT can bring medals in championship matches. Because it has been very well facilitated. Only the commitment and responsibility of the members that must be improved, “concluded the fourth semester student of Faculty of Economics and Business. (*)
Author: Dian Putri Apriliani
Editor: Nuri Hermawan