Kabinet Grahakarya Boosts Student Potential Through Four Superior Programs

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UNAIR NEWS – For Fadhil Abiyyu Yofi, leading an organization like Student Executive Board (BEM) was one of the thing that never comes across his mind. He has been looking for more experience through committees and communities but the encouragement from senior made Abi – Fadhil Abiyyu Yofi – rethink his decision again.

“Before, I never thought of joining an organization. I was encouraged by senior to be Head of BEM. After considering the opportunity, finally I decided to take the risks.” said Head of BEM Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga (FK) for 2019/2020 period.

Abi then thought about the potential in his faculty to support UNAIR towards 500 World Class University (WCU). One of them was through academic and achievement fields.

Therefore, he was determined to boost BEM FK UNAIR work program. Especially, those related to the development of quality students to be in line with the campus targets.

Armed with his experience, Abi then cooperated with Fikri Ali to jointly lead BEM FK UNAIR. This year Grahakarya was chosen as the name of the cabinet. Hopefully, the organization could produce various work program and uplift the university alma mater.

“We want to support everything that related to student achievement. Both academic and non-academic. For example, delegating competitions.” added Head of 2017 Medical Science and Application Competition for High School Students (MEDSPIN).

In addition, Kabinet Grahakarya offered four excellent programs. First, Organogenesis, self-development classes that work together with internal student organization. Second, Wall of KM which is a forum for FK UNAIR academics appreciation. Third, monitoring the work program or Baroreceptor. Fourth, integrated publication regarding to Student Families (KM) info in official account of BEM.

“Currently, we carry out organogenesis and the organization class ch will take place on March 30 and we also still working on Integrated publications and baroreceptors. Later, we will carry out Wall of KM.”said the young man from Samarinda.

Abi advised that BEM KM FK UNAIR goal cannot be achieved without having a good leaders, as well as the willingness of the team to work together and uphold common interests.. (*)


Author: Nabila Amelia

Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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