Head of BEM Psychology Proposes SINERGI and Thesis Discussion to Improve Literacy

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UNAIR NEWS – Failed to be elected as Head of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Faculty of Psychology (FPsi) Student Executive Board (BEM) in 2017 was not a problem for Audi Ahmad R. In 2019, he was successfully elected as Head of BEM FPsi.

To UNAIR NEWS on Thursday, March 22, 2019 Ahmad explained a number of programs carried out during his stewardship. This Cirebon student has excellent programs for FPsi students.

Ahmad, who was elected in General Election (Pemira) in 2018, just started working in February 2019. Ahmad explained that BEM FPsi was preparing their work programs, especially related to literacy and achievement which is able to gain good reputation for faculty and university.

“Since there is a biennial event from FPsi, psychology olympiad, then I raise a program that is able to accommodate it,” Ahmad said. “Finally when I became the elected Head of BEM, there is an achievement development department that was able to accommodate it,” he added.

Furthermore, to help final year students, Ahmad initiated a Thesis Discussion program .

“This program (Thesis Discussion, ed) is expected to be able to help our seniors who are working on their thesis to get insight related to it,” he said.

“We (BEM FPsi, ed) also accommodate students who make achievements in non-academic fields,” Ahmad added.

The literacy program is not only for students, Ahmad added that literacy must also be able to invite public to be enthusiastic in learning. One way to do this is to distribute books. This program (book sharing, ed) is called SINERGI or Psychology Joy to Share.

Not only focusing on literacy as a superior program, Ahmad also emphasized BEM FPsi to be close to students. The emphasis is advocacy screening to find out the voices of faculty students about they feel in studies.

“So we listen to student complaints and go directly to students rather than waiting for students to report to BEM, especially the issue of scholarships which is often reported, “he explained.

Advocacy carried out by Ahmad’s management is forwarded to faculty’s student affairs to be followed up. After obtaining answers from the student affairs division, BEM then hold a press release to inform students.

For Ahmad, literacy for students is very important. Appreciation to accommodate outstanding students is also needed. (*)


Author: Aditya Novrian

Editor: Zanna Afia Deswari


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