UNAIR NEWS – Five students from Universitas Airlangga who are members of Airlangga Squad managed to bring home the title of best traditional cultural appearance in cultural exchange activities. Organized by YouCan, the activity was held in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday to Saturday, March 20–23, 2019.
On that occasion, Airlangga Squad performed the opening dance of Reog Ponorogo. It consists the character of Klana Sewandana and Jathilan. With that look, Airlangga Squad gained the highest points in the field of cultural appearance.
Dimas Satrya Sukma Wijaya, one of the delegates from Universitas Airlangga stated that Airlangga Squad team consisted of five students. There were Dimas Satrya Sukma Wijaya (Faculty of Nursing); Ruri Kharisma Fitriani (Faculty of Public Health); Ayu Andira Faulina W. (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine); Nuzilatul Muschafi (Faculty of Science and Technology); and Michna Nurfuadah (Faculty of Science and Technology).
The student who transferred to nursing undergraduate program said the series of activities began with the visit to Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) office. In there, the delegates received a public lecture and a lecture from H. Agus Badrul Jamal as the coordinator of Indonesian Embassy Information/Media, Social and Cultural Affairs.
“He told us how to respect culture, respect others, and respect ourselves,” he continued.
On the third day, added Dimas, the Airlangga Squad delegates and other participants visited the University of Malaya. At the university, the delegates received a public lecture delivered by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loo Fung Ying as an expert in music.
“He also advised to keep preserving the culture, but in different ways to attract the attention of the community,” he added.
Dimas said that the activities provided several international classes to get more cross-country networks. Nowadays, communication has almost no boundries and time limits. This can develop individual abilities to be better.
“We did not expect to get this award. Thank God, we present this award to our parents, family, all those who have supported us and of course to our beloved alma mater, Universitas Airlangga “he concluded. (*)
Author: M. Najib Rahman
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i