Struggle Cabinet Improves PSDKU Futsal

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PSDKU UNAIR Futsal after doing routine training.
PSDKU Futsal after doing routine training. (Photo: By courtesy )

UNAIR NEWS – To develop quality of students’ non-academic field, Off Main Campus Program (PSDKU) in Banyuwangi has various clubs or Community Interests and Talents (Komikat). It is recorded that there are 15 clubs that facilitate student in non-academic field. One of the clubs which has become popular is Futsal club.

The club which was always crowded with freshmen during the exhibition, in 2019 formed a management and named it Kabinet Juang. It is unique because Futsal club is the only club with cabinet name for its management from all clubs at PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi.

To UNAIR NEWS on Tuesday, March 26, Dimas Khoironi Nur Septian as Head of 2019 Futsal club said that before building a strong team with various characters, it should focus on improving and strengthening the internal management.

“As administrators, this improvement is done by making the organizational structure clear in accordance with the main tasks and functions. Then we also compile a work program that is needed by Futsal club to support the goals to be achieved this year, which are active, existent and achiever, “said the student who is familiarly called Dimas.

The name of Kabinet Juang was made to create fighting spirit of the members to give the best for Futsal club. In addition, Futsal club has a routine training agenda twice each week, which is every Tuesday and Thursday evening. In addition to the schedule for routine training, added Dimas, Futsal also holds sparring game and with teams in the city of Gandrung.

“I always invite and try to communicate well with members to practice. Despite the busy schedule of four programs due to lectures with block system, this club becomes a refreshing event and has an accurate target for the alma mater’s reputation, “he said.

This year, according to PSDKU Aquaculture student, Futsal club does not only prepare physically and mentally to participate in local, regional or even national competitions, but it will also hold a futsal competition event. This, he continued, was carried out in the hope that it could improve the existence of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi.

“Hopefully the leaderships will provide more support because our fighting spirit will never be extinguished for the good reputation of campus,” concluded the 2017 class student.

Author: Sulistyo Primadani

Editor: Nuri Hermawan


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