UNAIR NEWS – Students should have characteristics and abilities that are superior to others, such as ability to think critically, creatively, and revolutionarily as a provision for their contribution to society.
This made Directorate of Student Affairs of Universitas Airlangga carry out Medium level Student Management Skills Training Program (LKMM-TM) period 1 2019 in Trawas, Mojokerto. Students are expected to carry out organizational development plans properly so they can improve the welfare of the community.
LKMM-TM lasts for three days starting Friday, March 22, 2019 until Sunday, March 24, 2019 in Kencono Wungu Hall, Puncak Ayanna Trawas Hotel and Resort, Trawas, Mojokerto, East Java. In his remarks on the first day of LKMM-TM, H. Agus Widyantoro, S.H, M.H. as PIC (Person in Charge) LKMM UNAIR revealed that the LKMM-TM program is a mean for students to develop themselves and their organizational environment.
Not only that, in LKMM-TM, students were given some material including the nature of organization and organizational management, decision making, problem classification, problem formulation and development of alternative solutions, national and state defense insights, information management, organizational development plans (RPO), and Polbangmawa material (UNAIR student policy).
One of the materials emphasized in LKMM-TM is about organizational development plans. Students will go directly to the community organizations. Here, students are asked to look for data, analyze, find problems, and propose alternative solutions for the organization.
“The things that can be identified in this RPO are the quality of human resources, the strength of the vision, mission, organizational structure, finance, partnership and cooperation, job description, infrastructure, and the Internet of Things (IoT),” said Drh. Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama M .Si. when providing technical overview to field visits and preparation of RPOs.
Field trip
Field visits have been divided into seven hamlets in Trawas sub-districts, Duyung, Slepi, Ketapanrame, Sukorame, Belik, Jaraan, and Penanggungan. Each group gets one hamlet and is tasked with interviewing the hamlet head (Kadus). The visit was made on the second day.
In data collection, students are allowed to conduct interviews on their respective Kadus. After the data has been obtained, students must conduct an analysis. The analysis used here is a SWOT analysis which includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
After conducting the analysis, students are required to make an RPO for each organization in accordance with the problems faced by each organization. Then, the students explained at plenary discussion session.
“Every village has its own problems and the alternative solutions are not the same. Usually because it depends on the characteristics and mindset of the community, ” said Putu Aditya Ferdinan Ariawantara, S.IP., M.KP., as UNAIR TPK team when responding to student presentations.
Finally, Satria Naufalino, Faculty of Vocational Studies representative in UNAIR 2019 LKMM-TM participants expressed their pride in joining LKMM-TM. Because, students can get the provision of management skills that are very important especially for the development of UNAIR’s internal organization in order to achieve Top 500 WCU. (*)
Author: Ulfah Mu’amarotul Hikmah
Editor: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i