Crowned as Entrepreneur of the Year 2018

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Farhan Vidi Amanullah, Entrepreneurial Achievement Graduates. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Farhan Vidi Amanullah or familiarly called Farhan started his business by establishing UD. Ihtiar Jaya in 2016. A store focused on selling teak wood furniture with various model. Besides receiving orders from buyers domiciled in Surabaya, Ihtiar Jaya also seeks to attract consumers from outside the city through websites and media.

“The furniture that I sell has a lifetime guarantee, with terms and conditions, customers are in the same area and fair use” said Farhan.

During college, Farhan actively joined organization. He was a part of UNAIR Entrepreneur Society (WEBS) Workshop. An organization that gives him a wealth of experience, relationships and knowledge about the world of entrepreneurship. In addition, he also participated in several communities focused on the fields of woodworking and metalworking.

The hectic schedule was a challenge for Farhan. The moment when his performance in the organization was unproductive, his duty as student became neglected and he got customers who complained was quite challenge for him. However, the support from his closest friends made Farhan stronger. Thus, he can solve problems one by one.

“At that time, people warned me about it. Starting from the head o organization, fellow student in organzation, and customers.” said Farhan.

In 2018, Farhan won an award from FEB UNAIR as Entrepreneur of the Year and was selected as a speaker for Airlangga Entrepreneur Profile, BEM UNAIR 2018. Thus, all of his hardwork paid off.

For students who are pursuing undergraduate education, Farhan advised to stop complaining and start finfing more relation. In addition, strengthening networks with friends and following organizations is also important. Because by participating in the organization, students can learn many things that are not necessarily taught during class in college.

“Enjoy the process. Stop complaining. Expand relations. Strengthen the network and join organization.” said Farhan. (*)

Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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