New Management, BEM FF Wants to Improve Student Achievement

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Firmansyah Ardian Ramadhani, Head of BEM FF UNAIR for the period 2019-2020. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – It’s been two months since student of Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) welcomed new leaders. For two months, Kabinet Baskara has functioned as a Student Executive Board at FF UNAIR.

The new leader of BEM FF UNAIR, Firmansyah Ardian Ramadhani for the period 2019-2020. The guy who is familiarly called Firman also shared his story with UNAIR NEWS.

“From the beginning of being a student, I was interested in BEM. Starting from a member of BEM then becoming Community Service Cadre and now he is Head of BEM. Thank God, as time goes by, everything is easier” said Firman.

The student from Sidoarjo said his intention to join the organization was to hone his ability in communicating and socializing. He also wants to get a lot of experience from the organization.

“There were a lot of interesting experiences, especially participating in community service activities. We learned that people are different and must be treated differently. Thus, we know how to treat different people well, “he explained.

Regarding to Kabinet Baskara, Firman said that there were several targets to be achieved during the management period. Synergy, professionalism and creativity are the three things that emphasized to improve and hone students’ abilities.

“We try to facilitate students who want to develop themselves. We held small discussion groups according to students interest.” said Firman. “For instance KTI group (scientific paper, ed), PCE (patient counseling event, ed) group, and debate. We will share the information about accredited competitions through group. We also facilitate tutor for everyone who wants to participate in the competition” added the student who likes sport.

In addition, BEM FF UNAIR also has a target to increase the number of students who attend student outbound. With the amount of socialization and information shared with students, Firman hopes that UNAIR FF students can be more interested in increasing their experience abroad.

“Thus, we want to make it easier for student who are interested in exchanging or participating in overseas events. We will continue to provide information about it, including the costs.” said Firman.

Furthermore, Firman said that BEM FF UNAIR will help the regulation of students who want to join student outbound. He hoped, this could have a positive impact in university.

“We want to contribute to UNAIR as one of World Class Universities,” he said.

Furthermore, Firman also urged students not to be afraid in organizing and seeking as much experience as possible. Although it is not easy, being active in organization can provide many benefit and lesson for students. (*)


Author: Sukma Cindra Pratiwi

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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