Campus Community Hearing Introduces Candidates for BEM UNAIR Leadership

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UNAIR NEWS – In order to find a new leader, UNAIR Student Representative Assembly (MPM) in collaboration with Chairperson of Election Committee (PPK) held Campus Community Hearing (UMK) on Tuesday, March 19, 2019, in Campus B Master of Management (MM) UNAIR yard. The activity was a public hearing conducted by candidates for the Head and Deputy of 2019 Student Executive Board (BEM) UNAIR.

The activity aimed to introduce the vision, mission, ideas, and programs of Candidates. There were two pairs of candidates from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and the Faculty of Public Health.

The two candidates are R. Ibrahim Garda Bravere (FEB) and Agus Nur Fahmi who came from FISIP as candidate number one. Then candidate number two is Agung Tri Putra (FISIP) and Maulana Satria Aji (FKM).

The activity was guided by Fariz Kevin Harlens as the moderator. There were a number of events, such as teaser screening, presentation of vision, mission, featured programs, question and answer sessions from panellists, debate sessions, panel case studies, and closing statement. The panel consisted of lecturers, Deputy of 2017 BEM UNAIR, and Head of 2018 BEM UNAIR.

Dr. M. Hadi Subhan, SH., MH., CN., As Director of Student Affairs said, UMK is a part of BEM election activities. The students will find out the prospective head and deputy. The process of selecting BEM leadership is a mean to practice soft skills as parts of leadership.

“I hope with 2019 UMK, the enthusiasm of UNAIR students were able to open our eyes that democracy is still alive,” said Alif Satria Nosafandra as Chairman of 2019 UNAIR MPM.

The presence of hundreds of UNAIR students on this occasion is a form of democracy in the campus realm. Students are not necessarily apathetic about the election.

“Yes Alhamdulillah it was done well as expected. So friends of all UNAIR students knew that there was a selection of Head of BEM. UMK can find out the ideas of the candidates, ” said Alvian Dharmawan as Head of 2019 UNAIR PPK.

The election of 2019 Head and Deputy of BEM UNAIR will be held on March 22, 2019 through MPM session.

Author: Alicia Juanita

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

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