UNAIR NEWS – Student Management Skills Training – Basic Level (LKMM-TD) was a form of effort for student development by providing knowledge, skills and attitudes in management of student organizations both in university and outside community. LKMM-TD held in PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi for three days, followed by hundreds of students from PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi.
So, what does participants think about LKMM-TD PSDKU UNAIR Banyuwangi 2019? Does this program bring benefit to the participant? In here, UNAIR NEWS has summarized the opinions of several UNAIR Banyuwangi LKMM-TD PSDKU participants regarding to this program.
Ananda Wildhan, Aquaculture ‘2018
“LKMM-TD itself gave me a lot of organizational management insight that I did not know before. Various materials have also been submitted and the important things about the material about conflict resolution.”
Roberthus Nughriyanto, Accounting’2017
“This activity was very good for students in the terms of self-development who want to deepen their insight as an organizer. In my opinion, through this program students will find the legality of their organizational identity and it will be good for these students to develop themselves not only internally, but also externally in organizational affairs.”
Desi Natalia, Public Health ‘2017
“This program was very exciting, gave me insight and experience also I can get to know how to become a leader and organization processes.”
Almujaddidi, Veterinary Medicine ‘2018
“I think this activity was great for participants to be more competent in managing themselves in organizational activities and active in contributing. It was really exciting and very useful, I don’t regret joining this event, even though it was held on the weekend but I still enjoyed the program. ”
Author: Bastian Ragas
Editor: Nuri Hermawan