Amelia Surprised with College Life

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Amelia Virismanda Vantri as the best graduate Faculty of Law. (Illustration: Feri Fenoria Rifai)

UNAIR NEWS – Being a freshman had made Amelia Virismanda Vantri shocked with college life that was completely different from high school. However, the Bachelor of Law successfully graduated with GPA of 3.93. The student born in Surabaya on January 7, 1997 and be the best graduate of Faculty Law UNAIR in the period of March 2019.

“At the beginning, I worked hard to understand each subject,” said the graduate with GPA of 3.93

As time went by, she joined one of semi-autonomous bodies in Faculty of Law, KOMAHI. In there, the organization has kadiksu program that gives her the opportunity to discuss with her senior.

In the end of her study, Amelia wrote a thesis entitled “Restricting the Rights of Former Corruption Convicts as Candidates for Legislative Members through Election Commission Regulation.” The topic discussed were related to Election Law and Human Rights.

In addition, Amelia also participated in several committees and competitions. Some of the competitions includes national legal debate competition in UB, Syarif Hidayatullah UIN Jakarta, Universitas Parahyangan Bandung, and National Moot Court Competition (NMCC) at Universitas Udayana. Furthermore, she also participated in several community service activities in BEM UNAIR, Lecturer in Faculty of Law UNAIR and community service outside campus communities.

“When I was in college, I did particapate as research team for UNAIR delegation in national law debate competition at Universitas Parahyangan in Bandung and won 2nd place.” she added.

Currently, Amelia is one of Surabaya regional coordinators for community service activities. She also has plan to continue her Master and work. In addition, tips for being the best graduate is that you should pray and get blessings from your parents.

“And occasionally, you should join competition outside campus because you will have more experience and also get new friends outside the campus,” she concluded. (*)

Author: M. Najib Rahman

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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