UNAIR NEWS – Months away from upcoming 2019 election, Student Executive Board (BEM) Faculty of Health (FK) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a discussion forum by watching vice presidential candidate debate together. The activity was held on Sunday, March 17 2019 in Room B Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG) UNAIR.
The collaboration forum was the first initiation conducted by BEM FK and BEM FKG UNAIR. After that, they decided to make a large-scale forum covering Faculty of Medicine (FK), Faculty of Dental Medicine (FKG), Faculty of Public Health (FKM), Faculty of Nursing (FKP), and Faculty of Pharmacy (FF).
The initiation was based on vice presidential debate which raised health theme. This momentum has been awaited by health students because health is one of the main point of Indonesia’s development.
Ferrel Bramasta, Head of Strategy and Advocacy Department (Kastrad) BEM FK UNAIR revealed that the purpose of the event was to attract health students to watch vice presidential debate and be critical to government policies. Students are expected not to believe easily and do the research data first.
“Hopefully, this forum can be held more frequently, and it can be a starting point for the emergence of other collaborations. Furthermore, these kind of activities can also be developed in the form of community service, “he said.
There were Agung Tri Putra and Maulana Satria Aji as one of the candidates for President and Vice President of BEM UNAIR. They expressed their appreciation for this event by bringing together students of Faculty Health in UNAIR.
“There is a good synchronization between Faculty of Health students here” said Maulana Satria Aji.
“Studies on health issues are also needed. Health issues must be known by all parties, both health and non-health students.” said Agung Tri Putra.
The discussion session was represented by representatives of each faculty with discussing BPJS which often became a problem for the community. (*)
Author: Mu’ammarin Rosikhuna Ilma
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia