Get to Know about Major Publisher

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Illustration of book printing.

UNAIR NEWS – In writing, it is important for the author of the book to understand a proper way to publish their writing product. In this context, publication focused on the book publishing process.

The authors are expected to recognize the publisher. A good book publisher should have a clear vision and mission, large market network, printing press, being honest in giving royalties, and so on.

There are 3 types of book publisher that we need to know: major, indie, and self-publishing. On this occasion we will discuss about major book publishers.

Major publisher are in great demand by writers, especially novice writers. The major publisher are large or national scale publishers. It is owned by large companies. In addition, in having a large capital, usually major publishers have their own printing.

Books printed by major publisher can certainly be spread to various regions. Here are some examples of major publishers: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Mizan, Republika, Grasindo, Loka Media, Tiga Serangkai, Bentang Pustaka, Erlangga, Yudhistira.

Several requirements that can be accepted by major publisher:

  1. High quality manuscript

A high quality manuscript will greatly affect market quality too. Therefore, the authors expected to write the best manuscript.

  1. Fulfill the requirements.

The publisher determines the requirements for the author. The author should fulfill these requirements. Fulfillment will be assessed by the publishing team.

  1. Cover letter

Create a good cover letter with Bahasa Indonesia to the publisher regarding to your writing product.

  1. Be patient

After the text has been sent, the author should patiently wait for the manuscript to be published. Because publisher usually gives a time limit for writer to correct their script. For example: a month, three months, five months, and so on.

The following explanation will also explain the advantages and disadvantages of publishing books through major publishers


  1. Printing costs are borne by the publisher
  2. Massive book distribution network
  3. Considered as a quality writer by readers
  4. Automatically the author name will be promoted


  1. Lack of support for distribution promotions to well-known bookstores
  2. There are a lot of manuscripts published in bookstores
  3. The process is quite long
  4. Not necessarily accepted by publishers
  5. Small royalties considering the author does not share any costs.

Hopefully this article will help everyone who wants to publish books. (*)


Author: Tunjung Widuri Dusk

Editor: Binti  Q. Masruroh

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