UNAIR NEWS – Through Center for Career and Entrepreneurship Development (PPKK), Universitas Airlangga held another Airlangga Career Fair (ACF). The 31st ACF is held at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR for two days, March 13 – 14, 2019.
It was opened directly by UNAIR Rector on March 13 and 37 companies were involved in the career fair. They are from state-owned companies, national companies, and multinational companies. Head of PPKK UNAIR Dr. Elly Munadziroh, drg., M.S., on that occasion said that this activity was one of the moments to attract the best UNAIR graduates.
In addition, she continued, this activity was also part of bringing graduates closer to UNAIR partners. In fact, ACF 2019 can also be an opportunity for graduates to get jobs according to their desired field.
“With this event, our partners participated in the career fair will also get competent graduates. Therefore, let’s work together to create a golden generation of Indonesia in the future, ” she explained.
PLN Director of Human Capital Management Muhammad Ali said that in the era of disruption and 4.0, companies have their own patterns in running their business. He also said that the occurring changes will demand various changes and patterns of teaching in higher education.
“Facing this ever dynamic movement, we need human resources who are able to solve problems, creative, innovative, and able to speak foreign languages,” he explained.
Meanwhile, UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih on the same occasion also said that ACF 2019 activity was the right moment to provide the opportunity to best UNAIR graduates to dedicate their knowledge gained at UNAIR.
“Last week we just graduated more than 2,000 graduates. We are happy and there are also concerns that they (graduates, ed) also need places to work, “explained Prof. Nasih.
In the end, Prof. Nasih also said that in preparing graduates who are qualified and ready to work, he is committed to develop scientific knowledge of students and also develop their character.
“Because in the current era, character and mentality are needed in professional world and they should be honed continuously,” he concluded.
Author: Nuri Hermawan