Graduate Passes Away, Graduation Tinged with Sadness

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UNAIR NEWS – The second day of March 2019 Graduation Ceremony of Universitas Airlangga was tinged with sadness. One of the graduates, Miranti Candrarisna, could not attend her graduation because she passed away.

Her family represented her was very devastated. Her husband, child and mother showed sadness as they replaced Miranti receiving a diploma from UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak., CMA. Sadness also seen from the faces of other graduates.

Miranti was listed as a student of Medical Science doctoral program at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga class 2012 with a Student Identification Number (NIM) 011217017340.

Miranti was born in Surabaya on December 13, 1971. In completing her S3 study, Miranti made a research dissertation focusing on mechanism of anti-toxoplasm with ethanol extract of mangosteen skin.

For her family, Miranti was a good wife and mother. It was revealed by Saud Tua Marpaung as the deceased’s husband.

Saud said, his wife died in her sleep. Previously there were no signs showing any illnesses. In fact, Miranti did not have a history of any diseases.

“She (Miranti Candrarisna, ed) is a good wife and mother,” Saud said.

According to Saud, his wife’s struggle in taking a S3 education was not easy. There were some obstacles, such as a financial problem.

“Maybe the degree (education process, ed) was not smooth. She (Miranti) was very fit in taking the studies, “said Saud.

Saud hoped that his wife’s studies and research can develop the existing knowledge in Indonesia, especially UNAIR. In addition, her research is expected to be a trigger for sustainable research for other students and researchers.

“What she (Miranti, ed) has done and researched in this research can be improved again,” Saud said.

“Hopefully this research can be continued,” he added.

KENANGAN Miranti Candrarisna (tengah) bersama keluarga dan rekan-rekannya seusai dinyatakan lulus doctor pada 11 Desember 2018. (Foto: Istimewa)
IN MEMORIES Miranti Candrarisna (center) with her family and colleagues after getting her doctorate degree on December 11, 2018. (Photo: By courtesy)

Saud explained, despite facing a number of obstacles in her education, Miranti was able to make achievements that made her family proud. She achieved cum laude GPA, 3.90.

“This achievement, for us (family) is an extraordinary achievement. We are very proud because her GPA is 3.90. This is one lesson and motivation for our child to keep making achievements, “he said.

Miranti was scheduled to attend the graduation on the second day, Sunday (03/10/2019) at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC), Campus C UNAIR. She was scheduled to be graduated by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, S.E., M.T., Ak., CMA., with the other 1185 graduates.

The total number of students graduated by UNAIR Rector Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., CMA. in March 2019 were 2306 graduates. For details, on the first day, Saturday, there were 1121 graduates and on the second day, Sunday, there were 1185 graduates. (*)


Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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