Routinely, every Monday and Thursday in Nuruzzaman Mosque Provides Ta’jil

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People enjoying Ta'jil Prepared by UKMKI Management Every Monday and Thursday at Nurruzaman Mosque, Campus B, Universitas Airlangga (Photo: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi)

UNAIR NEWS – As campus that has “Excellence With Morality” tagline, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) has a good way to manage religious life activities in it. Evidently, in every religious activity, UNAIR actively involved in enlivening activities on campus.

As seen in Nuruzzaman Mosque Campus B UNAIR, every Monday and Thursday, ta’jil often provided in food table at Nurruzaman Mosque. A variety of snacks and drinks are available in there. Starting from fruit slices, warm fried foods, cold drinks, traditional snacks packed in the food table for iftar.

“Those who are not fasting  allowed to take the food” said Da’i, one of the administrators of UKM UNAIR.

It is known that the routinely charity activities has been carried out since a year ago. The activity was managed by Islamic Spirituality Student Activity Unit (UKMKI) and mosque’s takmir (organizer) in UNAIR.

Da’i continued, before distributing ta’jil, UNAIR UKMKI prepared ta’jil for the congregation. Started from washing the plate, cleaning the table and buying some food the congregation.

“The costs incurred are from infaq box in Nurruzaman Mosque, UNAIR.” said the student from Kediri.

Especially on Thursday, Da’i said, there was preaching activity after Asr prayer. Everyone in Nuruzzaman Mosque can learn more with islamic preacher while waiting for Maghrib prayer.

“Because after Maghrib prayer on Thursday, we usually provide take-away food in food table at Nuruzzaman Mosque UNAIR,” concluded Da’i.

Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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