TNI with UNAIR Seeks Airlangga Knights who are Interested in Becoming Soldier

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PROF Djoko Santoso, Dr., Sp.PD-KGH., Ph.D., FINASIM and Brigadier General Gunung Iskandar welcomed the reception of TNI soldiers

UNAIR NEWS – Being a world class university according to the mandate given by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education to Universitas Airlangga certainly requires a large contribution from all parties, especially students. This contribution can be realized by real work in their service to the country.

This time, Indonesian National Army (TNI) cooperated with UNAIR to socializes the prospective career as officers (Pa PK) specifically for health workers. The event was attended by Vice Rector I Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Sp. PD-KGH., Ph.D., FINASIM, Deputy of Assistant Personnel Brigadier Gunung Iskandar and his staff at Kahuripan Hall 301 on February 28, 2019.

In his remarks, Prof. Djoko Santoso, dr., Sp. PD-KGH., Ph.D., FINASIM stated that all this time the academic atmosphere among UNAIR students was good. This was due to the provision of qualified facilities and provisions for students in maintaining UNAIR’s tagline “Excelence with Morality”.

“Students have duties and obligations in learning. But more than that, students should also carry out local values ​​to make them equal to global level, “he said.

Continued Prof. Djoko said that it is called leadership without sacrificing local values shared with students and academics in UNAIR. Therefore, UNAIR will always be ready to be an integral part of various aspects in defense in Republic of Indonesia.

In addition, Brigadier General Gunung Iskandar said expressed his appreciation to Universitas Airlangga alumni who had undergone their careers in TNI. Their career and superior morale have been proven by their hard work in the defense of nation.

“Moreover, TNI has prepared a high quota for PaPk for health workers. Thus, socialization and campaign are carried out in various universities throughout Indonesia that has a great considerable health education, “said Brigadier General Gunung.

The army is not a rigid organization. It will always dynamically keep up with times. Therefore, the socialization efforts are expected to produce quality and professional soldiers.

Furthermore, Brigadier General Gunung hoped that Airlangga Knights can take part in the reception activities. The registration open from January 3 to February 28, 2019. (*)


Author: Khefti Al Mawalia

Editor: Feri Fenoria

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