Universitas Airlangga Holds MTQM Selection

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One of the participants while attending a series of MTQM selection at Universitas Airlangga at Ulul Azmi Mosque Campus C UNAIR. (Photo: Courtesy)

UNAIR NEWS – Being the fifth year since 2014, MTQM selection Universitas Airlangga conducted by Buroq Sakti Religious Arts Student Activity Unit (UKMSR) with Directorate of Student Affairs UNAIR. Around 350 students of Universitas Airlangga joined the selection.

Affan Al Habsy, Head of MTQ UNAIR said there were at least 15 branches of the competition which became selection reference for intensive guidance before heading to National MTQ: Tilawatil Quran, Tartil Quran, Hifdzil Quran 3 Juz, Hifdzil Quran 5 Juz, Hifdzil Quran 10 Juz, Al-Qur’an Scientific Writing (KTIA), Cerdas Cermat Islam (CCI) Tajwid & Ghinail, Cerdas Cermat Islam (CCI) Ulumil Quran, (CCI) Islamic Knowledge, Sari Tilawah, Syarah Quran Speech, Arabic Language Debate, English Debate, Calligraphy, Al-Quran Application Design in this year selection.

“This selection is specifically for university students and UNAIR students who have the ability in the competition branch.” said Affan at UNAIR NEWS last week.

Furthermore, he also explained that the registration was opened from 26 January to 14 February 2019, then continued with a selection on 16 February 2019. The selection began with filling the forms provided by the committee, then participants come to scheduled time given by the committee.

From fifteen branches in the competition, two of them are KTIA and Al Qur’an Application Design using a different selection system, by selecting proposals first then after being selected, the best ten proposals will be presented in the competition.

“The main objective of the implementation MTQM selection in Universitas Airlangga are an effort in broadcasting Quran, then introducing MTQM to all of UNAIR students through competition,” Affan explained.

Affan said the activity which has become a routine agenda of Religious Arts Student Activity Unit (UKMSR) also simultaneously accommodates student talents who want to develop the teachings of Qur’an with various fields of facilities to be implemented in regional and national competition. It is also an effort to direct UNAIR students who have more abilities that can be developed.

Author: Wiwik Yuni Eryanti Ningrum

Editor: Feri Fenoria R

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