FKG Holds Toothbrushing Calisthenics Competition and Inaugurates Indonesian Dentist Rider

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Participants in Toothbrushing Calisthenics Competition in UNAIR
Participants in Toothbrushing Calisthenics Competition in action. (Photo: Nuri Hermawan)

UNAIR NEWS – Morning calisthenics attended by leaders of Universitas Airlangga and residents around the campus is a routine agenda of university every month. However, there is something different about this morning’s calisthenics activities. The morning exercise managed by Faculty of Dental Medicine UNAIR on Sunday, Feb. 24, held with Toothbrushing Calisthenics Contest and the launch of FKG UNAIR alumni community, Indonesian Dentist Rider or IDR.

Being held in the yard of Campus C UNAIR Management Office, the activity was opened by Dean of FKG UNAIR Dr. R. Darmawan Setijanto, drg., M.Kes. In his remarks, Darmawan said that morning activities were one of the moments to foster a healthy habits.

“Thank God, at least 14 teams will compete in the Toothbrushing Calisthenics competition,” he explained.

Toothbrushing Calisthenics, he continued, was one of the calisthenics initiated by FKG UNAIR alumni and achieved MURI Record. Regarding n Dentist Rider, Darmawan explained that this community was also initiated by FKG UNAIR alumni.

“This will be a pioneer for dentist riders in Indonesia. And FKG UNAIR commissariat IKA is the pioneer, “he added.

Represented Rector of UNAIR, Vice Rector IV, Junaidi Khatib in his remarks said that before starting  IDR activities and fun walk, Junaidi said that moments like these could become a place for friendship and instill good habits for students and the surrounding community.

“From UNAIR’s calisthenics activities, Toothbrushing Calisthenics competition, fun bike, and fun walk, hopefully can become a habit for our lives,” he explained.

Junaidi also hoped that the healthy routines held can be habits of campus residents and society in general. For the campus community, he explained, this could be a culture to support the UNAIR program as a green global campus.

Author: Nuri Hermawan


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