The story of “PELANGI VI” while Participating Community Service in Tulungagung Coast

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Illustration by Pelangi VI team

UNAIR NEWS – School of Airlangga In Harmony (SCHOLAH) held Pelangi volume VI activity at SD Negeri IV Ngrejo, Wonokoyo Hamlet, Ngrejo Village, Tanggung Gunung District, Tulungagung Regency. This activity was a community service program in the field of education which can be said as a mini form of Indonesia Mengajar. Pelangi UNAIR was here to help in improving the quality of education in areas that are categorized as 3 T (Outermost, Frontier, and Disadvanted).

The team was deployed on Monday January 7 to Sunday January 27 consisted of five UNAIR students from three faculties. They are Aldi (FV 2017), Refah (FEB 2017), Nisa Aslam (FEB 2017), Poppy (FPsi 2018), and Amithya (FPsi 2017).

For three weeks in there, Pelangi VI team helped teachers at SDN Ngrejo IV to conduct teaching and learning activities. Every morning, Aldi and his friends helped teachers in teaching several empty classes if they cannot attend the class. Usually, the class started from 7:00 am to 8:00 am in the morning while waiting for the teacher to come. After teaching, their activities continued with tutoring in the afternoon and reciting Quran at night.

The location of Ngrejo Village which located at the coast, makes most of the resident works as fishermen. Moreover, there were few people works as farmers and planters. The village, which holds natural beauty and charming white sand beaches, unfortunately still does not have adequate internet and cellular phone access.

The main problem in Ngrejo village is the low understanding of community, especially parents about the importance of education for their children. Economic problems are often became the reason why students cannot continue their education to university. In addition, the location teachers house are quite far from the school causes them to be late or even absent in class. So there were empty hours and less effective learning. Nevertheless, Pelangi VI team assessed that the students of SDN IV Ngrejo had a high enthusiasm for learning.

“It’s not about teaching, they also implemented Tri Dharma Higher Education, which community service regarding to the importance of education for their children,” Abid said as the person in charge of activities at UNAIR NEWS February, 21.

Abid said even though in the short-term there had not been any significant progress but he hoped the activity would bring long-term positive change to education there.

“Hopefully in the future, this activity can have a large and clear impact on the surrounding community even though it is only in East Java. This activity is also a foucus of UNAIR in the field of community service as an effort to improve education in Indonesia.” he concluded.

Author: Zanna Afia Deswari

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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