Applying for State Universities, Know These New Regulations

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Managing Secretary of University Entrance Test Institution (LTMPT) Dr Ismaini Zain, Dra, M.Si., explains the new regulations in Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019 in Airlangga Convention Center (ACC).
Managing Secretary of University Entrance Test Institution (LTMPT) Dr Ismaini Zain, Dra, M.Si., explains the new regulations in Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019 in Airlangga Convention Center (ACC). (Photo: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i)

UNAIR NEWS ­– The process of student admission in 2019 is  very different from last year’s. It was explained thoroughly by Dr Ismaini Zain, Dra, M.Si., as the managing secretary of  University Entrance Test Institution (LTMPT)  in Airlangga Education Expo (AEE) 2019 on Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019.

Being held at Airlangga Convention Center (ACC) Campus C UNAIR, AEE 2019 was held to provide education information about Universitas Airlangga and procedure of student admission, especially for senior high school students.

Not only on procedures to enter UNAIR, some talk shows and discussions were also held to help students to choose the right programs for them such as a discussion with Dr Ismaini Zain, Dra, M.Si., on LTMPT.


Dr Ismaini said that one of the differences is the existence of University Entrance Test Institution (LTMPT). Last year, the management of student admission was done by local committe in each region. It is now centralized and online, through LTMPT in collaboration with state universities in all regions.

LTMPT is tasked to manage the data of prospective students for State University Entrance Selection (SNMPTN) and also to manage the material needed for Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities (SBMPTN).

”So, everything is centralized in LTMPT and online,” said Dr Ismaini.

System of Computer Based Written Test (UTBK)

Next difference, explained Dr Ismaini, is from its testing system. For SBMPTN, the exam will be held at an early stage. Students take the exam first then follow the SBMPTN procedure.

“In the past, we register the SBMPTN first, then take the exam. If now, the exam done first then register for SBMPTN. The results of the exam will be taken into consideration for participating in the SBMPTN,” she said.

The entire examination system this year will be focused on Computer Based Writing Exams (UTBK). There are 73 UTBK points scattered throughout Indonesia. For Surabaya, there are four points, namely UNAIR, ITS (Ten November Institute of Technology), Unesa (Surabaya State University), and UPN (National Veterans Development University).

“Implementation of UTBK every Saturday and Sunday. There are two sessions, in the morning from 7:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and in the afternoon from 12:30 to 16:45. The first phase will be held from March 1 to 24, 2019. The second phase will be from March 25 to April 1, 2019, “she said.

Scholastic Potential Test

The next difference, said Dr. Ismaini, is a scholastic test. So, in UTBK, there are two types of tests, namely the scholastic potential test (TPS) and the academic potential test (TPA). TPA will be adjusted to a group of sciences, Saintek (Science and Technology) and Soshum (Social Humanities).

Dr. Ismaini said that TPS was intended to measure cognitive abilities that were considered important for success in formal schools, especially higher education. In TPS, what will be tested are general reasoning skills, quantitative abilities, general knowledge and understanding, and the ability of reading and writing.

“While TPA (Academic Potential Test, ed) measures scientific knowledge and understanding,” she said.

Related to full information, especially LTMPT, said Dr. Ismaini, students can see the official website of LTMPT, namely at . Students are expected to continue to know the updates or keep abreast of the latest information through the official website.

“Hopefully all students will do it well and accepted to their dream universities,” she said. (*)


Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i


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