National Press Day Commemoration, Kominfo and UNAIR Holds Discusion on Practitioners of Press and Technology

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UNAIR NEWS – The rapid development of information technology has profound impact on the way people live. Along with the field of information dissemination and social life trends of the society.

Discussing latest trends, several experts, practitioners, press attended in Garuda Mukti, Campus C UNAIR, on Friday 08 February 2019. The discussion was embodied in Expert Sharing event as part of National Press Day (HPN) 2019 commemoration. This time, Surabaya was chosen to hold the event. Precisely held on Thursday, January 07 until Saturday January 9 2019.

One of Indonesian Journalists Association Director (PWI), Nurjaman opened the discussion by explaining his experience on the change of television world. He told the audience that once he was one of the speakers in an event.

Still in the same event, there was one other speaker who are younger than him. Nurjaman said that speaker did not show signs or impressions as person from tv or in the field of videography. It turned out, the presentation of the speaker was actually simple.

“This person (another speaker, ed) looks ordinary.” he said.

“Apparently, when question and answer session was opened, he received a lot of questions from the audiences. He turned out to be a Youtuber.” said Nurjaman.

Nurjaman said that the world had truly undergone changes. The access for someone to explore themselves are big and easy. This is clearly different from when he was working in television world.

SALAH seorang Pengurus Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI) Nurjaman membuka diskusi bertajuk Expert Sharing di Garuda Mukti, Kampus C UNAIR, pada Jum’at (8/2/2019). (Foto: Agus Irwanto)
One of Indonesian Journalists Association committe (PWI), Nurjaman opened a discussion entitled Expert Sharing at Garuda Mukti, Campus C UNAIR, on Friday January 08. (Photo: Agus Irwanto)

Before, the access in television production was not easy, unlike today. Everything was complicated when he did his internship in television station.

In fact, content creators income are not small and it become a new phenomenon among youth. Furthermore, some of them created new jobs for a large number of groups. And, these types of jobs cannot be imagined ten years ago. Being a Youtuber, for example.

“Technological developments changed social landscape of information dissemination,” he said.

Meanwhile, Secretary General of Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) Niken Widiastuti urged youth to use technology wisely. Especially those relating to current issues, Presidential and Legislative Elections.

“Changes that occur due to technological developments make it easy for someone to do many things. One of the negative things is spreading fake news, “he said.

Therefore, youth should be wise using technology. A lot of positive things can be done them such as helping educate the community, spreading positive news and building optimism, last but not least making an achievement to support Indonesia’s progress.

In addition, there were also some expert attended the discussion like Ilham Habibe, one of technopreneur also Habibie’s son, Minister of Communication and Information Rudiantara, Karni Ilyas, and Mahmudi Fukumoto. (*)


Author: Feri Fenoria Rifa’i

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