Missing Rangga in New York City

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Title: Tidak Ada New York Hari Ini

Poet: M. Aan Mansyur

Photographer: Mo Riza

Year of publication: 2016

Pages: 120

ISBN: 978-602-03-2723-5

UNAIR NEWS – This book by M Aan Mansyur is written for Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 movie which is released in 2016. The poems were written from the point of view of Rangga (main character of the movie) as a person who was longing for Cinta (name of the other main character as his lover, literally in means love”). Separated by space and time, the distance between Rangga and Cinta is manifested in silence, loneliness, and solitude felt by Rangga as shown in the early pages for example, a poem titled Cinta .


Hari-hari membakar habis diriku
Days burning myself out.

Setiap kali aku ingin mengumpulkan
Every time I wish to collect

tumpukan abuku sendiri, jari-jariku
ashes of me with these fingers

berubah jadi badai angin
they turned into a windstorm

Dan aku mengerti mengapa cinta diciptakan.
Then I understand why love is created.

One of my favorite poems is on the next page entitled Tidak Ada New York Hari Ini . In this piece, narrated by Rangga, who had been living in New York for a long time, he never forgets Cinta. Memories of her from the past are well kept. Memories of her is always present in Rangga’s mind. Thus, Rangga’s life is only filled with emptiness. As told from these lines:

Bahasa ibu adalah kamar tidurku.
My mother tongue is my dreaming chamber

Kupeluk tubuh sendiri
Where I seek embrace

Dan cinta – kau tak ingin aku mematikan mata lampu
And love – you won’t have me turn this light out

Jendela terbuka dan masa lampau memasukiku sebagai angin
The window opens and pasts come over me like the wind

Meriang. Meriang. Aku Meriang.
Unwell. I feel unwell.

Kau yang panas di kening
You burn myself out

Kau yang dingin dikenang
You freeze me with memories.

This book illustrates a love which remains even after a long time. Love which is so deep and difficult to forget.

For poetry lovers, this book is highly recommended. The language is simple but arousing emotions of the readers. Verse by verse presented was touching. Aan Mansyur used the words very well, made readers dragged into Rangga’s passionate love.

The interesting thing about this book is that every page illustrated with a photo in line with the poems. Some photos were taken from the Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 movie sets. Mo Riza also displays street photography taken in New York, such as people passing by on the streets, strangers without expression, atmosphere in the train, and other moments. The book is in black and white or monochrome to emphasize poignant impression of the poems.

For readers who have love problems might be able to shed tears. Because this book invites readers to understand the meaning of love through poetic words. In my opinion it would be better if the reader had watched the  Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 2 movie so the message in poems well conveyed. (*)

Author: Tunjung Senja Widuri

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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