Rector: Knowledge Must Bring Prosperity and Glorify Life

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UNAIR Rector Prof. Nasih delivers his remarks after three professors’ orations. (Photo: Bambang Edy Santoso)

UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga has inaugurated another three new professors. The inauguration was held in Garuda Mukti Hall on Saturday, Jan. 26, 2019. The three professors are  Prof. Dr. Tanti Handriana, S.E., M.Si., from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). She is 25th FEB active professor, 476th UNAIR professor since its establishment and 184th since UNAIR stated as Legal Entity State University (PTNBH).

The next professor is Prof. Dr. Hening Laswati, dr., Sp.KFR(K) from Faculty of Medicine (FK). She is 110th FK active professor, 477th UNAIR professor since its establishment and 185th since UNAIR stated as Legal Entity State University (PTNBH).

And then there is Prof. Dr. Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, dr., Sp.KK(K), FINSDV. She is 111th FK active professor, 478th UNAIR professor since its establishment and 186th since UNAIR stated as Legal Entity State University (PTNBH).

As of Jan. 26, 2019, Universitas Airlangga has 190 active professors in total. And since its establishment in 1954, it has had 478 professors. On the occasion, UNAIR Rector, Prof. Nasih in his remarks said that being professor is gaining trust, not only as the highest title in education.

“It is a heavy task, because teacher is a profession which must always give examples,” Prof. Nasih explained.

As scholars, professors must give real contribution in life. The professors should not be ivory towers which are busy with their own affairs.

“It is time, professors must be excellent scholars which bring benefits around earth,” said Prof. Nasih.

Prof. Nasih also stated that there are six special things from this inauguration. First,  it is the first month of 2019 and there are already three professors inaugurated. Next, all of the professors are women.

“This time we inaugurate three amazing women of UNAIR,” said Prof. Nasih.

The 13th rector of UNAIR also said that there is a professor from UNAIR and RSUD Dr. Soetomo. He said that there are only three professors with this status.

“In the future, we expect more UNAIR professors will come from hospitals, either provincial hospitals or city hospitals,” he explained.

Before closing his remarks, Prof. Nasih said that the scientific orations delivered by the three professors were amazing. All of them presented solution to problems in community.

“There was a solution for environmental problem and for the welfare of mankind. For people with disability as well, the oration also presented a way towards prosperity and an oration about leprosy has also brought awareness on the role of scientists,” he elaborated. “This is quite special, all of the orations has the same theme and objectives,” added Prof. Nasih.

In the end, Prof. Nasih reiterated that UNAIR always support science. It is obvious, for science development so it can reach the real value.

“We hope the professors can use their knowledge as a way to bring prosperity and glory to life,” he concluded.

Author: Nuri Hermawan


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