UNAIR NEWS – Universitas Airlangga Center for Social Fund Management (PUSPAS) has granted another aid for education. It was given to UNAIR Faculty of Nursing (FKp) student to take part in an innovation competition in Taiwan.
Representing the team, Team Leader Ardina Nadya Wahyuhermanto and Achmad Ubaidillah Mughni, one of the members, received aid from the Head of UNAIR PUSPAS Dr. Tika Widiastuti, SE., M.Si. The aid was given on Friday, Jan. 25 2019 at UNAIR PUSPAS Office, 4th Floor, UNAIR Management Office.
Ardina told UNAIR NEWS that her team applied for financial assistance to attend the International Innovation and Invention Competition in Taiwan. Together with her three friends, she made an innovation product called Bath Bomb, an innovation of castor leaves (Jatropha Curcas L.Euphorbiaceae) to relieve stiffness in the body.
“We had financial problem at first. Finally, we submitted a proposal to PUSPAS UNAIR, ” she said.
“There were three teams from Indonesia. One of them is UNAIR. We have four members, “said the 2016 FKp student.
Achmad, her colleague explained that the assistance was intended for registration fee in the competition. The total registration fee for the competition is Rp 7 million.
“Apart from UNAIR, there are teams from Undip (Diponegoro University, ed) and UB (Brawijaya University),” said Achmad regarding participants from Indonesia.
Meanwhile, Dr. Tika confirmed the funding assistance. She said that it is indeed her unit’s role for collecting and managing social funds, especially to support educational activities in UNAIR.
Dr Tika also said that PUSPAS UNAIR has three priority programs, scholarships, student exchange, and the third is for all activities related to the achievement of WCU (World Class University).
“So, the output that leads to achieving WCU is a priority,” she said.
UNAIR Rector, continued Dr. Tika, has a strong commitment to student problems regarding education financing. Therefore, scholarships are a priority, followed with student exchange program which is an academic activity in international level, especially to improve UNAIR’s academic reputation. (*)
Author: Feri Fenoria