The History of Wingko Babat “Loe Lan Ing”, Sweet Treats from Lamongan

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Illustration by Chef Recipes

UNAIR NEWS – Across the road of Lamongan, you can find various store selling traditional treats, one of them is Wingko. A sweet treats with a round shape and unique aroma, which combines the sweetness with the savory flavour from coconut.

Wingko is a typical food from Lamongan Regency. The name Babat was taken from Babat sub-district, where wingko was made for the first time. Although in other area, Semarang also has a similar production of wingko, but the origin of this sweet treats is from Babat.

On Tuesday January 22, Ni Made Safira Maharani Putri Wijaya Student of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities Science, Universitas Airlangga said that Loe Lan Ing is the oldest and largest wingko company in Babat sub-district. The company has been producing for decades.

The student who often called Safira added the history of wingko babat is estimated to have existed since the early 1900s. It was started by a person of Chinese descent named Loe Soe Siang who is the first generation and the founder of Wingko Babat.

“The first son named Loe Lan Ing, and the second daughter named Loe Lan Hwa. Then, Loe Lan Ing married to Go Giaw Kien, they are the second generation of this wingko babat business and built a wingko factory called Pabrik Loe Lan Ing, “explained the student from Lamongan.

Furthermore, she said Loe Lan Ing and Go Giaw Kien then had two children Go Kiok Nio and Go Kok Hien. Both of them are the third generation of wingko babat business. Finally, Go Kiok Nio married and had a daughter named Mrs. Kristina and then she had a husband named Supriyadi Gondokoesoema.

Wingko Babat Loe Lan Ing was the beginning of wingko babat production in Lamongan. At first, wingko babat had original coconut flavors. Then, around 1980s, wingko babat began to have various flavors such as durian, chocolate, pineapple, cheese, bananas, jackfruit and strawberries.


Author: Fariz Ilham Rosyidi

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

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