UNAIR NEWS – Improving knowledge has become an obligation for human. Students are not only learn certain issues domestically, but they also need to learn more about foreign affairs. Student from Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga Duha Ziaun had an opportunity in Global Goals Model United Nation (GGMUN) Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 11-14 January 2019.
GGMUN, also known as UN Assembly Simulation, was attended by around 471 participants from various universities and countries. Among them, Philippines, India and Singapore. Including Indonesia.
Duha explained that the activity was aimed at increasing awareness and supporting young people in sustainable development with various discussions related to current global issues. The activity is a right place for young people to share their ideas and commitments for a better world.
“It is a forum for young people to express their aspirations to solve world problems and the best idea will be collected in UN (United Nations, ed) Resolution,” she said.
Therefore, according to Duha, this activity is one of the platforms for the nation’s successor. Especially for improving analytical skills, leadership, public speaking, and diplomacy.
Duha added the activity was one of UN assembly simulation regarding to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The participants were allocated to several SDGs goals and the countries they would represent.
“I got opportunity to talk about Quality Education allocated in Singapore,” said UNAIR Accounting student.
Duha emphasized, she was in charge to be a diplomat of Singapore who discussed various issues of education that still needs to improve. On the other hand, Singapore is one of role models on education realm because it is so advanced that Singapore also provides a variety of solutions.
“It’s very exciting, because the atmosphere was quite tense in various competitions and one of my ideas was included in UN draft resolution, I’m so grateful.” added the student from Gresik.
Duha was very impressed and proud to take a part in the event, including being a representative of Indonesian delegation, especially FEB Universitas Airlangga. Because, these activities brings delegates from various countries closer. Furthermore, Duha also has opportunity to improve her public speaking skills.
“Through this activity, I can learn about world issues and find it solutions,” he said.
“Hopefully we can be open minded. In addition, children are the successors of generations. Thus, education is the main pillar that must be formed to achieve quality and competitive human resources, “he added. (*)
Author: Rolista Dwi Oktavia
Editor: Feri Fenoria