UNAIR NEWS – “Cleanliness of a part of our faith”. It must be applied by humans in order to create a healthy life and to be free from disease, whether on cleanliness of homes, sewers, and the surrounding environment. This time the topic of hygiene was the main foundation for the 59th Universitas Airlangga KKN in Sidowungu Village, Menganti Sub-district, Gresik Regency.
From the observation of UNAIR KKN team at the location, the village was known as the poultry processing village. Every day, local villagers produce 70-100 tons of chicken meat for sale. It causes environmental pollution, bad odors, and health problems caused by the accumulation of chicken waste.
Therefore, the KKN team from UNAIR in the village of Sidowungu Gresik worked together with POLINDES, the head of the PKK, the head of the RT and RW, and youth organizations to overcome this problem. The goal was to prevent the waste disrupting with the lives of surrounding residents.
“Finally, our team initiated a PHBS program (Clean and healthy lifestyle, ed) and supported by counseling and direct practice,” said Ilman Erlangga Ramadhan, as the KKN team leader in Sidowungu.
The activity was carried out door to door. The goal was to promote a healthy lifestyle through direct counseling, so the residents can also interact directly with UNAIR KKN students.
“This program is divided into three groups for around 80 families. We have implemented it since January 7,” Ilman said.
In an effort to increase awareness on cleanliness of Sidowungu community, UNAIR KKN team focused its work program by providing education to housewives in taking over all household affairs.
Ilham emphasized that his team is currently providing dissemination and education on how to maintain environmental cleanliness, by inviting families to minimize the spread of viruses and bacteria from these chickens.
In its activities, UNAIR KKN team implemented a system on how to dispose of garbage properly, maintain the cleanliness of bathtubs and latrines, avoid smoking inside the house and near children, maintain dental hygiene and health, and maintain clean water so that there are no mosquitos.
Furthermore, AKP Chief of Police Ramadhan Nasution said that a lot of people in the village were addicted to drugs and alcohol. He urged strongly to the people to avoid and stay away from drugs and alcohol in many ways.
“We will also carry out industrial data collection that will be used by branding their business on social media. Later it will be handed over to youth association, “he added. (*)
Author: Rolista Dwi Oktavia
Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia