‘Ksatria Airlangga’ Floating Hospital Performance Evaluation, Hoping for Better Year

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Floating Hospital UNAIR
Day and night Ksatria Airlangga floating hospital serves the public for surgeries. Non-surgical services are carried out at local Public Health Center (Puskesmas). dr. Andy, SpA was holding a newborn baby from a caesarean section at Sapudi Harbor. The sea was less friendly, but thankfully the surgery went well. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

UNAIR NEWS – Until the end of 2018, the floating hospital “Ksatria Airlangga” (RSTKA) docked at Kalimas V Port, Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. The 7.2 meters wide and 17 meters long pinisi ship must “rest” after a year of humanitarian service on various islands in Eastern Indonesia.

The humanitarian service in 2018 ended last Sunday, December 9, when the floating hospital arrived from the last service on three islands in Kab. Sumenep: Kangayan, Raas and Sapudi islands.

“After this we will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, both for technical operation of the ship and the program that we have carried out for more than a year,” said Dr. Christrijogo Sumartono, dr., Sp. An. KAR., Chairman of the Medika Ksatria Airlangga Foundation (YKMA).

This was conveyed during a small feast on the ship, while welcoming the arrival of the RSTKA volunteer team from Sapudi. A turmeric rice with all its various side-dishes or uba rampe,  welcomed a team of volunteers led by the Director of RSTKA Dr. Agus Harianto, Sp. BAt that time the ship was still anchored in Kalimas Port in front of Tanjungperak port Office.

RECORDED 1,500 more people on Sapudi Island queued for RSTKA services. The registration and screening was conducted at Gayam Public Health Center (in Sapudi), the majority of patients had eye complaints. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

Head of IKA UNAIR Drs. Ec. H. Haryanto Basoeni, Deputy Dean II of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, dr., Sp.OG (K), Amir Amiruddin from Investree, Agus Widiastono, IKA UNAIR administrator, YKMA Secretary Dr. Suwaspodo Henry Wibowo, Sp.And., MARS with other YKMA administrators. In this feast, the Director of RSTKA also shared his experience with the team.

RSTKA ship was launched on November 10, 2017, right at 63rd Anniversary of Universitas Airlangga. Before its launch, RSTKA had carried out social services to Bawean Island (October 2017). Then after it was inaugurated, it held community services in Kangean Island in (November 2017), Kalimas Harbor, Surabaya on March 11, 2018, then continued in Sapeken Island.

Health services from RSTKA ship for the people of Raas Island carried out at the local Puskesmas and at the Port of Raas. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

When earthquake stroke Lombok in August 2018, RSTKA immediately headed for the disaster area in North Lombok Regency (KLU). Then, the floating hospital headed to Nusa Penida and Alor islands, NTT. Suddenly the city of Palu (Central Sulawesi) and its surroundings hit by a tsunami and liquefaction.

From Alor Island, RSTKA ship headed to Palu, even though the original plan was going to Ambon, Maluku. But because there was a disaster in Palu, RSTKA volunteer team prioritized the disaster victims in Palu.

After Palu and Donggala, the RSTKA volunteer team continued its plan to the community around Maluku. The nomadic hospital ship initiated by FK alumni and operated by IKA UNAIR then arrived at the port of Ambon on October 26.

Two days later, October 28, the ship served the people of Moa Island. After that, they gave free health services in Masela Island on October 29, Babar Island (October 30-31), Sermata Island on November 1, Luang Island East on November 2, West Luang Island on November 3, and Lakor Island on November 5.

RSTKA DIRECTOR coordinates with specialist doctors, general practitioners, nurses, and teams in the operating room before carrying out activities. (Photo: Bambang Bes)

On November 6-8, the ship returned to Moa Island, then Leti Island on November 9, Kisar Island  on November 10-12, Wetar Island on November 13-14, and Lirang Island on November 16-17 2018.

After that, it headed for Southeast Sulawesi to serve the people on Wakatobi Island on November 21-23 2018. From Wakatobi, RSTKA went to the islands in Sumenep area. The first one was Kangean Island (Kangayan) from November 28 to December 1, Raas Island on December 3-5, and finally on Sapudi Island on December 6-8 2018. And, on Sunday, December 9, 2018 the RST-KA volunteer team arrived back in the city of Surabaya.

“We hope that next year’s program will be even better after we evaluate the first year,” said Dr. Christrijogo Sumartono, Chairman of YKMA. (*)

Author: Bambang Bes


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