UNAIR Banyuwangi Representative Ready to Help Sunda Strait Tsunami Victim

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Illustration by Bastian Ragas

UNAIR NEWS – After held an fundraising actions in various regions of Banyuwangi on December 26 & 30, Keluarga Mahasiswa (KM) together with student associations (HIMA) in each study program at UNAIR Banyuwangi will go directly to Banten and help Sunda victim Strait Tsunami disaster.

Elzam Rachmadi explained the results of this fundraising which closed on December 31, amounted to Rp. 6,532,000. The donation will be collected by MAHAGANA and BEM UNAIR.

As the person in charge of fundraising program of Sunda Strait tsunami victims, Elzam is very grateful for UNAIR Banyuwangi academic community and Banyuwangi community for their willingness to donate their money. Moreover, also for KM and HIMA of each study program was willing to take action in fundrising.

“I hope, the donation can be useful for people who affected by tsunami in Sunda Strait,” he concluded.

The Head of social department KM, Ahmad Rido’i Yuda Prayogi explained after carrying out the fundraising action, KM along with HIMA each study program planned to help in Banten with MAHAGANA and BEM UNAIR teams. They will go there to help victims of Sunda Strait tsunami disaster on Sunday January, 13.

“Because all this time we felt that we were lacking to participate directly in the field, so we decided go straight to Banten, while we were still on semester break,” said the student who familiarly called Yuda.

Until Monday January 7, there were still two students from Banyuwangi who planned to leave for Banten, Yuda Prayogi and Elzam Rachmadi.

“From KM, only the two of us and we are still waiting for confirmation from HIMA in each study program,” Yuda added.

For activities in Banten not only to deliver the donation but the volunteer team will also carry out activities related to medical and psychosocial support for victims of Sunda Strait tsunami in Banten.

“For me personally, I will probably help in the field of trauma healing / psychosocial support, because my field of study is public health,” he said.

The main target of trauma healing for victims in Banten will be directed to children, because the psychological impact of children affected by disasters often decreases and trauma will arise. Therefore, psychosocial support is needed, one of which is by playing and sharing. The goal for them to be happy again, forget the trauma, and return to life as usual before a disaster strikes.

As a representative of PSDKU UNAIR in Banyuwangi, Yuda hoped that from the results of the fundraising and plans to go directly to Banten, at least it could reduce the burden experienced by victims there, both psychologically and materially.

“We as student, hopefully can be more active in helping the community,” he concluded. (*)

Author: Bastian Ragas

Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh

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